BearBoard #2 - coin search

BearBoard #2 - coin search

Search, add coins and persist changes


2 min read

Search with paginated results

CoinGecko api accepts any input whether provided with a currency name (bitcoin) or a symbol (btc). Response is not paginated - meaning, data coming back from API will include all search results (everything matching search input). I decided to implement sort of frontend pagination to control number of visible results - 5 is an optimal number.

Clicking arrows control the slice of response to be displayed.


Context menu

Well, names of the paragraphs below explain themselves, almost like the spaghetti code written to implement it. Quality of life features below.

All options are packed into a context menu to not pollute the main component.

Delete coin

With a little action confirmation.


Here, how it looks in the code (stripped down to relevant lines) - SolidJS:

  • keep state of delete confirmation in signal
  • use <Show> to display delete / confirm button depending on the confirm state:

    • initially shouldConfirmDelete = false, so we display whatever is in the fallback (DeleteButton)
    • DeleteButton click sets shouldConfirmDelete to true , allowing Confirm delete to be displayed
    • When context menu loses mouse hover - swap back to initial delete button
export const CoinActionsMenu: Component = () => {

  const [shouldConfirmDelete, setShouldConfirmDelete] = createSignal(false);

  const DeleteButton = () => (
      onClick={() => setShouldConfirmDelete(true)}
      <BsTrash size={MENU_ITEM_ICON_SIZE} />

  return (
      <div class='dropdown absolute right-2 top-2'>
        <label tabindex='0' class='btn btn-xs btn-circle btn-ghost'>
          <BiMenuAltRight size={MENU_ICON_SIZE} />

        {/* Dropdown content */}
          class='dropdown-content menu p-3  shadow bg-base-100 rounded-box'
          onMouseLeave={() => setShouldConfirmDelete(false)}
          {/* Delete btn */}
            <Show when={shouldConfirmDelete()} fallback={DeleteButton}>
              {/* Confirm delete */}
                data-tip='Click to confirm'
                onClick={() => deleteCoinId(coinId)}
                <BsCheck2 class='text-white' size={MENU_ITEM_ICON_SIZE} />

Reload coin

Currently the only way to get most up to data price data, needs to be repeated for each coin.


Offline storage

Frontend of Tauri is displayed in a webView, meaning there is an access to many browser features like LocalStorage. Currently for storing just a simple array of coin ids it is sufficient to store it in this way without overengineering file/SQLite connection. I used localForage


Code for this step available on Github -> Link